ICE will use a blend of approaches to ensure effective and efficient delivery of this strategic plan. ICE will use its unique approach of harnessing indigenous, and other diverse knowledge systems to advance its initiatives on NRM and food sovereignty.
In its Natural Resource Management programming, ICE will use the Ecosystems approach to ensure that all components of the ecosystem, including people and their cultural diversity, is incorporated for sustainable management.
In Food, Seed and Economic Empowerment programming, ICE will use the Environmental and Climate Change lens and the Ecosystem Based Adaptation approach to ensure that the ecosystem services that support community production systems are protected and enhanced. This will be blended with the Food Systems approach that considers the role of biodiversity in food systems to support resilient production systems , livelihoods, dietary diversity, and nutritional outcomes. Due to the prevailing climate change conditions and associated effects, ICE will use Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction to reduce socio-economic and environmental vulnerabilities to enhance their absorptive, adaptive, and transformative capacities.
ICE will use the Human Rights-Based approach in designing and implementing its programs. All projects implemented under this strategic plan shall employ Bottom-up approach to ensure that the felt needs and priorities of the communities under the ICE strategic focus areas are addressed.
ICE will seek to remain a learning catalyst, facilitator of change processes and promoter of sustainable interventions during this strategic plan period. In order to deliver this SP, ICE will focus on mobilizing financial and human resources through strategic partnerships with development partners, county and national governments, regional networks, research institutions, other like-minded organizations, and local communities.