Posted 6 months ago




As the Institute for Culture and Ecology(ICE) endeavours to grow, there is need to review the strategic direction which is paramount in ensuring that the organization remains relevant in its spheres of influence. Accordingly, as part of its institutional capacity strengthening,  ICE would like to conduct a midterm review of the current Strategic Plan (2022-2026), and intends to undertake this exercise through the guidance of a consultant hence the release of this TOR for interested and qualified candidates to apply.

The Institute for Culture and Ecology (ICE) is a national non-governmental organization registered in Kenya in 2006 under the NGO coordination Act. ICE was founded out of a visible need to promote the inherent and natural role of culture in environmental and resource management in Kenya. ICE accompanies communities as they rediscover the value of local knowledge and naturally endowed resources/potentials in the processes of livelihoods improvement and environmental conservation. This enables communities to drive their own development, hence detaching themselves from the poverty cycle. ICE partners with like-minded organizations, institutions and individuals nationally, regionally and globally in order to gather diverse knowledge systems and achieve effective implementation of innovative culture-based strategies.

ICE targets small holder farmers (both men and women), people with special needs  as well as youth in school and out of school. ICE implements various projects within its thematic areas of Natural Resource Management; Food and Seed Sovereignty & Economic Empowerment; Campaign and Advocacy; Networking and partnerships; Research and Knowledge Management; and Institutional Development. These projects are spread in the counties of in Kiambu, Machakos, Tharaka-Nithi, Meru, Murang’a, Embu and Kilifi counties and target to reach over 10,000 households (61% women; 39% men).

Vision of ICE: Empowered communities living in healthy ecosystems.

Mission of ICE: To enhance resilience of ecological systems and community livelihoods using diverse knowledge systems


2.1 Midterm Evaluation of the current Strategic Plan (2022-2026)

The 2022-2026 Strategic Plan provides ICE with a renewed strategic focus for the 5-year period and particularly guides ICE work based on the agreed statements on future direction as well as the strategic objectives, against which the organizational  performance will be measured. Further the SP helps ICE to redefine its strategic direction to address the ever-increasing environmental, natural resource management and community livelihood challenges as well as to align its work to the national and global development goals. The SP also aims to guide in institutional strengthening for effective performance measurement and improvement.

2.2  Strategic Plan’s Objectives

The strategic objectives are based on the six ICE thematic areas stated above and are: –

  1. To enhance environmental regeneration and sustainable use of 5 critical ecosystems in the target areas by December 2026.
  2. To enhance food, seed sovereignty and economic empowerment among 6000 households in target project areas by December 2026.
  3. To strengthen campaign and advocacy capacities among target communities and to influence decisions, policies and programs on Natural Resource Management (NRM), Food Sovereignty (FS) and relevant emerging issues in target project areas by December 2026
  4. To strengthen collaborations and establish 10 strong partnerships between ICE and its stakeholders by December 2026
  5. To enhance evidence-based programming, learning and adoption of new innovations, obtaining evidence needed for ICE programmes in target project areas by December 2026
  6. To enhance organizational capacity for effective and efficient implementation of its mandate by December 2026

2.3  Objective of the Mid-Term Review

The Mid-Term Review (MTR) will assess the progress of implementation of ICE Strategic Plan  (2022-2026) so far as per the objectives listed above. It will also highlight issues and challenges affecting effective and efficient implementation of the Strategic Plan and recommend remedial measures .

2.4  Scope of the Evaluation

To achieve this, the consultant will review and guide ICE in clearly redefining and evaluating: –

  1. Strategic areas and objectives; outcomes; including the six thematic areas for the remaining part of the current strategic period.
  2. Situational context, through relevant analysis.
  • Sustainability plan; including proposals for effective financial and human resource management strategies.
  1. Stakeholder mapping and identify relevant strategies to engage them to advance the stated objectives
  2. Risk analysis and management approaches,
  3. Functional organizational & governance/leadership structure,
  • Monitoring and reporting framework to enable effective tracking of progress for the remaining strategic plan period.

The assignment will involve close engagement with ICE management and programmes team which will entail a participatory process, including, but not limited to:

  • A review of internal documents
  • Consultations with ICE Advisory Board representative (s) and staff to review the achievements and set priorities for the remaining implementation period.


i.     Inception report detailing the methodology/ approaches and timelines for  this consultancy assignment

ii.     A strategic review workshop with ICE staff and Advisory Board representative(s)

iii.     A revised implementation strategy for the remaining period

iv.     Comprehensive final consultancy report : The report will also capture:

  • An analysis of achievements, strengths, weaknesses and challenges of the organizational performance during the first half of 2022-2026 Strategic Plan period.
  • An analysis of the changes realised with emphasis on synthesised and verified quantitative and qualitative evidence.
  • Recommendations on how ICE can build on its strengths and achievements to overcome its weaknesses and challenges.
  • The needs assessment higlighting the current status and gaps in ICE’s organisational operating environment and suggestions for areas of adjustment.


To undertake this evaluation, ICE is looking for a qualified, competent and experienced professional consultant. Key considerations include:

  • At least a Master’s degree or equivalent in Agriculture, Environmental Studies, Development Studies, Project management, M&E, Economics or related social sciences. Those with a higher degree in Strategic Management have added advantage.
  • Experience in working with NGO, CSOs and networks.
  • Demonstrated ability to carry out evaluations of strategic plans, assess complex situations, analyze critical issues clearly and draw conclusions and recommendations.
  • Proven in-depth understanding and consulting experience in conducting similar evaluations
  • Substantive knowledge of participatory M&E processes and experience with multi stakeholder/community development interventions.
  • Evidence of having successfully done similar / related work in recent past. Such details should be included in the profile that will be submitted.
  • Good report writing, communication skills in English and facilitation skills.


5.1 Logistical Support

In addition to providing all the necessary documentation and materials, ICE will cater for the the consultant’s upkeep during the workshop. The consultant is therefore expected to cost other expenses related to the evaluation in the financial proposal.

5.2 Confidentiality of information

All documents and data collected in the process of the consultancy will be treated as confidential and used solely to facilitate the consultancy assignment. Such materials shall not be shared or disclosed unless with express permission from ICE.

5.3 Payment

Payment shall  be made according to the following deliverables:

  • Thirty per cent (30%) after submission and acceptance of the Inception report;
  • Thirty per cent (30%) after submission and acceptance of the draft report;
  • Forty per cent (40%) after submission and acceptance of the final report.

The financial proposal should include all relevant taxes/levies applicable in Kenya in relation to consultancies such as  VAT/Withholding tax which ICE and consultant need to remit as per Government of Kenya statutory laws. ICE will deduct and remit the withholding tax while the Consultant will also have an obligation to pay statutory levies from their consultancy firms in relation to this assignment.


The mid-term review will be conducted over a total of eight and a half days. The consultant will submit a detailed plan of work as part of the EOI. The tasks will be allocated time slots as follows:

Inception meeting 0.5 day
Review of documents 2 days
Workshop with staff and board representative 3 days
Finalization of report 3 days
Total working days 8.5 days



Interested candidates should submit the following:

  1. Technical proposal indicating their understanding of the assignment, proposed methodology for conducting the assignment and work plan.
  2. Financial proposal showing the total cost of conducting the evaluation, breakdown of consultancy costs (including costing of each member the team during the entire exercise, man-days for each team member), and other costs associated with this assignment.
  • At least one report of a similar assignment conducted elsewhere within the past three years specifying the work done, stating the costs of doing the exercises and the client or clients and the duration it took to do the same.
  1. Detailed curriculum vitae of the main consultant and the support consultants (if any) to be involved in the assignment, with relevant university certificates and relevant supporting documents and testimonials.
  2. Names and contacts of three referees (phone numbers and email)
  3. A one-page write-up showing why you think you are most suitable for this consultancy

If you are interested in the above consultancy and can demonstrate your ability to meet the qualifications required and submit the deliverables within stipulated timelines, then submit your Expression Of Interest (EOI) with the above-mentioned documents to copied to with the subject heading: Consultancy for Midterm Evaluation of ICE Strategic Plan.

ICE is an equal opportunity employer and hence nobody will be discriminated against on the basis of gender, social, ethnic or religious background. However only candidates who meet the desired qualifications and competencies will be shortlisted and  contacted. The closing date for applications is COB 22nd August 2024.

Job Features

Full timeFull Time
Part TimePart Time
Full time, Part time - ConsultanciesFull time, Part time - Consultancies
Full time - ConsultanciesFull time - Consultancies

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